DBNPS Maintenance Planning Interfaces and job requirements summary!

Maintenance Planning Interfaces: 
The Maintenance Planning Group interfaces with many departments. A brief summary of the interfaces
with associated functions is provided here:

1. Interface with Document Control for obtaining necessary working copy procedures, drawings, vendor
    manuals, procurement packages, data packages, Equivalent Replacement Resolutions (ERR's), Setpoint
    Change Request (SCR's ) Modification Documents (MOD's) and their Supplements, etc, for usage in
    Work Orders.

2. Interface with Supply Chain (Materials Analysts, Warehouse Storekeepers, and Customer Response
    Team (CRT) members, to accomplish and/or facilitate processes concerning material Sales Orders, 
    Stock Issues, and/or Requisitions.

3. Interface with Procurement Engineering to facilitate purchases of non-stock materials and vendor services,
    expedite Engineered Spare Parts List (ESPL) changes, to coordinate the development of ERR's, and to
    process Controlled Materials Processing Change Requests (CMPCR's) to comply with Control of 
    Consumable Materials, etc.

4. Interface with Maintenance Shops to obtain information needed to produce an adequately detailed Work
    Order, resolve field problems, researching history, and obtaining the needed parts info for ordering.

5. Interface with Outage and Scheduling Management /Work Control Team members, who will ensure
    that the work orders are assigned the proper priorities, ensure the proper work week is assigned to
    the jobs, ensure that the jobs not ready to meet schedule are properly rescheduled, and ensure the
    proper codes for work restraint template fields are correctly established (i.e..reflect the correct
    department, and actions required to lift the restraint(s).

6. Interface with QC to resolve problems encountered during work package approval, performance
    and closeout activities.

7. Interface with Maintenance Engineers and/or System Engineers for providing supplementary technical
    direction when a Non-Trivial problem needs an action plan per Work Process Guideline (WPG)-#10,
    specifying steps to be performed as required per NG-DB-00225, (partial procedure performance
    requirements), and providing work History Sheet documentation for "no-document" NQ/PQ parts
    (DB-DP-00007 step 6.8.2.d.4).

8. Interface with Design Engineering for responses to RFA's; and for coordinating the production of various
    documents requiring design changes, such as ERR's, MOD's, Field Problem Resolutions (FPR's), SCR's,
    Temporary Modifications (TM's), and Davis Besse Configuration Equipment Summary (DBCES/M-0720I)
    changes for maintaining Configuration Control.

9. Interface with Computer Engineering for responses to Station Computer documents such as Requests for
    Computer Assistance (RFCA's), to provide compensatory  actions for loss of Station Parameter Display
    System (SPDS), Emergency Plan required equipment, etc, and for coordinating MOD/ changes to the Plant
    Computer hardware and the applicable operating system.

10. Interface with Fire Protection Engineer for information required for developing an Impairment Sheet,
     discussing comp actions needed to support work orders that make a Fire system/barrier inoperable,
     and for obtaining the Fire Coordinator review for Fire classified work packages.

11. Interface with Test/Performance Engineer to establish testing for Modification packages, as part
      of MOD Interdisciplinary Design Review (IDR) meeting, to obtain qualified test personnel to
      perform DB-PF-05010 testing, or other related tests; and to obtain a Test Engineer Review on work
      orders involving of DB-PF-type tests.

12. Interface with QA Inspection Receipt personnel to release material on Vendor Quality (VQ) hold,
      or to obtain conditional material releases; for jobs that require expeditious handling.  This interface
      is normally handled on the "Supply Chain" level, but planning "gets involved" for hot jobs.

13. Interface with Operations via Work Control organization to obtain Senior Reactor Operator (SRO)
      review of work packages,  obtain technical advice for establishing Technical Specification Operability
      Checklists (TSOC's), Test Requirement sheets (TRS's) for work packages, obtaining determination
      of plant conditions necessary to perform maintenance, and to obtain advice for troubleshooting
      problems of operational nature, such as line-ups, system/equipment configuration, etc.

14. Interface with Production Team members as required via attending meetings where planning input
      has been requested by Work Management/Scheduling Team members.

15. Interface with Preventive Maintenance (PM) Coordinator and data entry clerk/planner for processing
      Preventive Maintenance Additions (PMA's), Preventive maintenance Deferrals (PMD's), updating
      PM data fields, forcing or rescheduling PM work document generation as needed.

16. Interface with Security, for work affecting barriers or equipment affecting /supporting station security
      plan, for notification of comp measures, and for obtaining Security review on work orders.

17. Interface with Regulatory Affairs Team for completion of License Amendment Requests (LAR's) for
      MOD's, processing UCN's for USAR changes, and for processing Commitment Reduction/Closures.

18. Interface with Shop Coordinators for issuing Work Orders (WO's), obtaining support shop reviews
      and/or walkdowns, locating packages due to changes in process, etc.

19. Interface with QC/QA/MRT to resolve problems associated with Condition Reports (CR's), and
      supporting Audit Activities, if Planning participation/input is required.

20. Interface with vendors for obtaining supplementary info not available from DB parts software and/or
      databases, by obtaining vendor bulletins, catalogs, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or to identify
      part numbers.

21. Interface with In Service Inspection/Test ( ISI/IST) Performance Engineering members for obtaining
      PETP/ISI reviews of ASME-classified work orders.

22. Interface with the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) for obtaining review of work orders, when QC
      is not available, such as during call-outs for work.

23. Interface with other planners when their expertise is needed for providing support / specialized
      knowledge, (for weld travellers, NE-311 forms, etc.)

24. Interface with Records Management for obtaining Roll/Frame info, obtaining copies of records, etc.

25. Interface with "Tiger Team" personnel to obtain deficiency tags, obtain special support, walkdown
      information, etc.

26. Interface with Engineering Document Control/ Document systems to obtain FPR numbers, get
      Davis-Besse Activity Tracking System (DBATS) steps updated, obtain assistance in tracking IDR
      progress, and coordinating expeditious handling of design packages to Station Document Control
      (Hot MOD's ERR's FPR's etc).

27. Interface with Design Engineering Coordinators to obtain status of design changes not completed,
      initiating clearance of design restraints etc.

28. Interface with Rad Protection personnel, such as ALARA team, to initiate special Radiological Work
      Permits (RWP's), discuss radiological limits and engineering controls for work package implementation,
      and to obtain ALARA review of work orders.

29. Interface with Document Systems-Station, to obtain IDWACN form signoffs for WO Work Verification
      Checklist completions for MOD's, ERR's, etc.

30. Interface with Training Coordinator to obtain process completion of the training notification form to
      support Work Verification Acticities.

31. Interface with Shift Manager to get call-out support for personnel augmentation needed to resolve
      emergent plant situations in which the on-station planner lacks sufficient expertise to provide a needed

32. Interface with Chemistry for work order reviews and FME support, as required.

33. Interface with Industrial Safety unit for CMPCR processing for controlled materials and Plant
      Product List (PPL) issues, prior to starting procurement activities, if not already initiated by
      procurement engineering, for items requiring expeditious acquisition.
      Obtain support if needed for walkdowns within confined spaces.

34. Interface with Oracle/STARS personnel for resolving system /software problems, for obtaining
      training in new methods, or for obtaining input on unfamiliar process techniques.

35. Interface with FEARMS personnel for resolving system/software problems, for obtaining training
      in new methods, or for obtaining input on unfamiliar techniques.

Maintenance Planner Accountability / Responsibility Summary:
Planners are generally responsible for providing services and performing supporting activities as
determined or directed from by administrative procedures and station procedures; or as driven by
programs, processes and organizational interfaces. They include and are not limited to the following:

1. Reviewing incoming MDT's or WO's as provided by "Tiger Team" computer input,  or from station
    management such as OPS and shop supervision, and dispositioning these incoming work items through
    coordination with Operations, Engineering, and Maintenance, to reduce backlog; pursuant to
    DB-DP-00007 and WPG 6.

2. Preparing or updating work packages to resolve MDT's, CR's, PM items and other documents to
    ensure completion within the established deadlines and schedules, pursuant to WPG 1 timelines.

3. Providing reviews of backlog and emergent items; preparing them for issuance to the field when
    scheduled, and ensuring that WO's have appropriate input from Engineering, the Maint Shop(s),
    and Operations.

4. Being responsive to Operations Concerns and work orders for emergent items by providing an
    expeditious turn-around in the shortest time frame possible while still maintaining quality.
    See item 5 for more on quality expectations.

5. Ensuring that quality and attention to detail are part of the work order development process,
    by ensuring that components are identified properly, and that corrective/root causes are discernable.
    Planners also ensure that the proper outage codes, mode required for work and tech spec requirements
    are identified; along with a description of any special plant condition(s) that may be required.

6. Identifying correct parts and materials to support work items. Ensuring that the proper parts, together
    with associated quality requirements and sufficient quantity are ordered to facilitate repairs or
    replacements identified on the WO.

7. Supporting the Maintenance Shops during performance of work through use of Work Order changes,
    sub-WO generation as needed, to correct WO problems; and obtaining the involvement of Systems
    and /or Maintenance Engineers to assist in resolving technical and system procedural problems.

8.  Providing input and status updates for coordination requirements to the Planning Supervisor as requested.

9.  Maintaining Communications to promote continuity and coordination during all phases of work tasks.

10. Reviewing WO's for close-out to ensure that identified work as in fact performed, the required
     documentation and forms are properly completed, and required attachments are included in the work
     packages (Such as data sheets, weld travelers, test data, procedures, etc).

NOTE: This activity is subject to be deleted during Transition Team program reduction activities.
RQR 96-0003 deleted NQAM, which formerly required planner closeout reviews.

11. Being properly aware of documentation deficiencies found during closeout and preparing a
      Condition Report when appropriate.

12. Properly addressing MOD activities for MOD's assigned, by attending MOD IDR/constructibility
      meetings, identifying /ordering parts, assembling the MOD packages, coordinating work verification
      support such as issuing Training completion notifications, procedure related IDWACN's, and during
      closeouts, performing Work Verification Checklist signoffs, and submitting the MPIC for final MOD
      close-out. See the Interfaces section for other information on interdepartmental coordination.

13. Providing all of the appropriate enclosures and attachments for special requirements such as the
      Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) form, weld traveler form, permits, and others.

14. Assisting the Supervisor-Planning and/or the Lead Planner by training new planners using OJT,
      procedure required reading, and practice on the PC.

15. Assisting in answering questions from shop personnel, engineering personnel, and management
      personnel as related to WO specifics needing clarification.

Many other procedures have statements containing the words "Planner Shall", or "Planner Should",
which direct planner actions to be taken in given situations covered within the scope of the procedures.
There are too many to list here!!!

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