My Green Brothers

You ask who are my Green Brothers?
First here’s who they are not.
They are not of one height or weight.
They are not of one religion or race.
They are not of one political party,
nor economic class.
They are never politically correct.
Most important, they are not quitters.

Now think on this, this is who they are.
They will go to the EDGE and beyond, alone or as a group.
When knocked down, they get back up and keep getting back up,
until they win.
When they have nothing left, they find more and share it.
They stand ready to do the Bad Business of War.
They are my Teammates.

Yesterday's Frogmen, today's SEALs.

by John C. Roat, U.S.N. (Ret.)
Class-29. UDT-21, UDT-11, SEAL Team 1

"My Green Brothers" written and Copyright 2001 by John Carl Roat, all rights reserved (*)
(*) Posted for this site by author's permission.
