MacArthur's 5-Star Car
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Photo by R. Young, USNR, approx Nov 1945.

Rank has its Privileges!!!!

Douglas MacArthur served a role as the Far East Commander in charge of Japan's
Reconstruction. He took Harry Truman out for a few "spins" in this car, when the
US President visited him for status and strategy.

It was Truman who also taught MacArthur all about the principle of "downsizing", 
during the later Korean War conflict when the president's foreign policy was perceived
by Truman to be directly challenged by MacArthur! It was an "Imperial Bearing" 
that General MacArthur brought to his daily work as one of the five 5-Star U.S. General-Of-The-Army "AG"(Army Group) Officers!

I have the book "American Caesar" which is a full accounting of General MacArthur's
life, it is highly recommended for acquiring unbiased info. :)