Important Bulletin!!
A serious blood shortage exists in the U.S.!!!!!
Please Visit the Red Cross website to see how you can help!!
Why should you be concerned??
Because there are cases where blood replacement is needed
immediately in order to save the lives of those injured during
an accident, natural disaster, or other reasons. First aid is not
enough in such cases. I have been informed, via the Red Cross
website, that there is only about 1 day supply of blood left!!
Please go to their website, enter the zip
code where you live,
and then you will be provided instructions. From there,
you will be shown opportunities to help where you live!!
Think!! If you are personally involved in a serious emergency,
and if the Red Cross is out of blood, somebody will be needed to
provide the blood to save you! This is why this is serious folks!!!
***** Please help out!!!!! ******* Now!!
And.. By the Way: "What goes around, comes around"!!
That means by helping out, you are following the golden rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!!"
By helping out the Red Cross today, you are "helping yourself".
Contact the Red Cross today. They do need
your help, because
America needs YOUR in this National Emergency!!!!
First Aid Resources
To know First Aid is to increase your survivability in a crisis situation, which;
when it occurs, it is likely to happen when we are "out in the sticks" where
medical help is not within reach. ("Murphy's Law").
For Knowledge of First Aid:
Learn CPR here!!
Cross Roads: Safety and First Aid!
Basic First Aid Links
First Aid Tutorial
Capt Dave's Survival
MDA's Advice
for Emergency Preparation
For Acquiring First Aid Equipment:
1st Aid First
Emergency Survival Guide
DNR Orders
If a Doctor or other personnel ask you about entering a DNR order for
or a loved one, think first before deciding! Here is a Resource
on what the DNR Order involves!
Stop Fires!!
Here's a suggestion: Registering Incendiary
Child Safety!
Injury Prevention
to Medical Categories
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