Golden Anniversary of the 1962 commissioning was 2012!
When it was clear Unconventional Warfare was
needed, the U.S. Navy SEALs
Authorized by President John F. Kennedy!! In
December of 1961;
the U.S. Navy SEALs Were Officially Approved For Operations, via the Chief
of Naval Operations Admiral Arleigh Burke! On January 8 of 1962 at 13:00
hours; the U.S. Navy SEAL TEAMs were Officially Commissioned to Service!!
Background of the commissioning of the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams: On 11
December 1961, Admiral George W Anderson Jr. signed CNO Speedletter
Serial # 697P30. On 27 December 1961, Rear Admiral Allan Reed issued "SEAL Teams in
Naval Special Warfare," Naval Warfare Information Publication 29-1 (NWIP
29-1). The SEAL Mission Profile (NWIP 29-1) is the document setting forth the mission and duty description for the SEAL Teams:
Other information on how SEAL Teams were established and configured originally
Picture of the original 1962 SEAL TEAM 2!
A 50th anniversary of SEAL Teams - a historical post on SEALFIT web, by Dwight Jon Zimmerman, 12/28/11.
The Central Locations for the SEAL TEAMs were, and
still are:
1.) East Coast SEALs at Little Creek, Virginia; and:
2.) West Coast SEALs at Coronado, California (Also the BUD/S HQ!)
One of the first SEAL leaders actively deployed
to forge the "starting lineup" in his "Man-o-Warsman"
image was LCDR Roy Boehm, temporarily assigned to SEAL Team 2, who
READY and "Good-To-Go", especially in Unconventional warfare.
He had
a LOT to do in a SHORT time, and assembled his TEAM from the most able-minded and fitness qualified
men he could find, his very First Edition, "Plank Owning", TEAM of U.S. Navy SEALs! LCDR
Boehm was given
Presidential Priority One authority, and to work he quickly
went. Please read Roy Boehm's book "First SEAL"
to see how he did it, and also how he himself got
to be a Frogman in UDT-21! (* See note below).
A most exciting story of a true "Man-o-Warsman"! He recently passed
away Dec 30, 2008. RIP, Roy!
Eight weeks after SEAL Team 2 was formed, Capt John Callahan was assigned as Commanding Officer.
(*) NOTE: There was controversy over the "First SEAL"
book assertion, and Capt Dave Del Guidice "set it straight" here:
the record straight on SEAL Team origin!
East and West Coast SEAL Teams started within a few
hours apart! See SEAL Captain
Larry Bailey's Comment on Who was First, Who was Second, and the differences as
who had the highest KIA list! And Why!
Related History leading up to the SEALs is found on
the NWSA website hosted by RD Russell.
This very informative site is the Web "Curator for all of Naval Special Forces
This well illustrated and very comprehensive archive site covers the histories of the
Naval Special
Warfare Teams which include the following groups that preceded the SEAL Teams:
1. Naval
Combat Demolition Units: WW2 NCDU
2. Underwater Demolition Teams
A documentary produced by the History
"The Complete
History of the Navy SEALs"
First Full Admiral Rank SEAL in the Navy: Eric Thor Olson
United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
ADM Olson is the first
Navy SEAL ever to be appointed to the grade of a three-star and four-star
as well as the first naval officer to be US SOCOM's combatant commander.
The second SEAL Admiral McRaven replaced ADM Olson to be the second SEAL to become a US SOCOM Commander.
Admiral William McRaven.
took over SOCOM in Aug 2011.
He later turned over command of SOCOM on Aug28/2014 to Army GEN Joseph Votel.
He came to SOCOM after completing his special mission as Joint Special
Operations Commander (JSOC),
which was tasked to terminate OBL (AKA "Geronimo"- a code name for that
mission) and a few others at his
Afghanistan home, thus completing a 10 year delayed mission of Justice for the
attack on America on 9/11/01.
The new Naval Special Warfare Commander is Radm Sean Pybus
(Commands the Navy SEALs and and all
NSW Support members). He took over at the Coronado Naval Special Warfare Command
Naval Base on Aug 8 2011,
according to the Tampa Tribune. This base Command oversees all SEAL Teams,
all Special Boat Teams, and all other
supporting NSW Missions globally. All told, around 8300 work for Radm
Pybus! Radm Pybus came to his new assignment
after completing his duty as Commander of Special Operations Command-Pacific.
SEALs are the best trained warriors on the planet!
The main training levels to qualify include:
Conditioning Training (Approx.
2 weeks).
BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) course, approx 16 weeks).
Parachute Training (Ft Benning), 5 Qualified Jumps required to get the Jump Wings!.
SQT (SEAL Qualification Training). Very detailed advanced training.
This SQT is the final step before wearing the Trident. It's earned at completion of this
Predeployment Training, including "PRODEV", Professional Development Phase.
An excellent set of resources for reading about REAL SEAL training:
"The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class
228" (Covers conditioning through BUD/S)
"The Finishing School: Earning the Navy SEAL Trident" (Covers SQT,
Predeployment, etc)
"To be a US Navy SEAL" : a pictorial on getting through SEAL training!!
These three are all written by Dick Couch (Retired SEAL Team 1 Captain, BUD/S Honorman,
Class 45, 1969)
Other good training accounts:
"Class 29: The Making of US Navy SEALs" by John Carl Roat (Graduate of that
"Hell Week: SEALs in Training", by Command Master Chief Dennis Chalker (former
Team 6 Cofounder)
Men who do not complete BUD/S AND SQT are NOT
(Repeat, NOT!!) SEALs, those people
claiming to have served SEAL Teams are "WANNABEs"
who do a disservice and dishonor to the
real Teams, especially the fallen SEALs who paid the ultimate price!
REAL U.S. Navy SEALs with Websites
The first group of links below go to some Navy UDT/SEAL Sites that
are put together by
REAL SEALs. These valient men tell THEIR real stories, on THEIR Sites!!!
CyberSEALs Org
LOTI Group's SEAL Team's Website:
Great Videos !
“Rudee” Schad, BUDS Training Class142
SEALs official Recruiting
Capt Larry Bailey
NSWA (Naval Warfare
Steve SEAL
TEAM One BLOG on the Stolen Warrior Act
Jim "Patches" Watson, Chief Platoon
Leader, ST2 Plank Owner
Brian Curle's Navy SEAL TEAMs site
Naval Special Warfare Command
ST-6 Founder: CDR Richard Marcinko, USN (Ret)
Families of UDT/SEALs
Erasmo "Doc" Riojas SEAL Corpsman
"Interesting SEAL Stuff" a Doc Riojas special!
SEAL Warbooks!
The SEAL TEAMS com (Domain is Sale) From
Dave Ferruolo
Coronado California July 4 SEAL Demo
U.S. SOCOM Special Stunt Divers
TEAM: REAL SEALs are on it!
Golden SEAL Enterprises: International
Security Specialists
Extreme SEAL Experience by owner Senior Chief Don Shipley (retired) a master of SEAL training in the field!
Know the WHY before the WHEN in applying
for BUD/S!
Let former US Navy SEAL Phil Black help you find out at !!
The special SEAL Community: The UDT-SEAL Association
The History of Frogmen is archived at the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Ft Pierce, Florida.
No Guts No Glory a new Expose of Phony SEAL warriors! by Steve Robinson ST1
SEAL in Space!!
Profile of Capt William Shepherd
Special Sites with Mucho SPECOPS stuff!
Includes NAVSPECWAR of
Special SEAL site
Controversial UNODIR (*) SEAL!!:
There was once a site on the "Rogue Warrior" CDR Richard Marcinko!!
The term *UNODIR* appears in his books. It is exactly how
he loves to operate-outside command or direction- "Unless
Otherwise Directed" was (According to his books) usually
specified on his Mission Orders, so when the going got
tough, he
supplied the "Otherwise Direction"!! His popularity with the
SEAL community appears nonexistent. He and they know what he did to
earn that "diStinksion".
Even a Rogue Warrior has to have Sea Daddies!!
Here is an excerpt of his hospitality!
Terrorism is what RED
CELL and SEAL TEAM 6 were set up
to counter AND neutralize! (Marcinko lead this effort from its
creation, and he trained and deployed them for ACTION).
Today's similarly deployed TEAMs are Top Secret and the
name of the current TEAM is classified information, I was told.
SPECDEVDRU in Dam Neck, Virginia, is the Navy Unit "officially".
This Team was credited by the White House for introducing Bin Laden
to his "Allah" directly, removing this world enemy #1 from the gene pool,
on May 1, 2011.
SEAL Tribute Pages by Non-SEALs:
Master Chief Rudy Boesch
SEAL Java Sites by Nightscribe!
Tracking Trainer Of SEALs:
Tom Brown (Native American Non SEAL)
Whitet's SEAL Maritime
Boarding Which Covers 3 kinds of Loadouts!
Whitet's Individual CQB Loadout
Whitet's Standard Breacher
Operational Loadout
Whitet's Airborne Sniper
Operational Loadout
The First SEAL credits his men, and
"takes the blame"
My site on Chief James D. Watson POINTMAN
James Janos is Governor of Minnesota !!!!
My Book Review of "Class 29
UDT/SEAL by John Carl Roat
Some favorite Books I have on SEALs and SpecWar
"SEALs Even Needed Corpsmen!" by
Unofficial Navy SEALs Page
Unofficial SDV Page
Navy SEALs! Colin Woodcock's
Shockwave version
My site on Ty Zellers as Skydiver
Three SEALs were awarded the Medal of Honor
in Vietnam!
Pics of the Coronado Naval Amphibious Base (Home
of BUD/S!!
A very tough guy that might have made it
as a UDT/SEAL , but chose Army instead-
Red Adair: Oil well fire fighter
Navy SEAL Merchandise!
Warning: Do NOT EVER wear the REAL Trident if you did
NOT pass BUD/S
(The "BUD/S" classes qualify Naval Personel for active service on Navy Special
like SEALs, UDT's, or SBU SEALs.) A lot of these men died valiantly in the service,
and I am
told by those remaining, that it would be most dishonorable to wear a REAL Trident
A Little Chuckle!
The author might be a Nam Vet! (either SEAL or Scout Ranger !!)
Check out this list of "Eight
Rules for Dating" by a Man with Teen Daughters!
Yeah-Right!!! Show me Department: Totally Humorous Fiction:
Hillary giving a Baby SEAL some CQC
Mouse trained by a SEAL??
SEAL Java!
A Quote From The Misty Death Swamp:
"Thou hast not to like it, thou hast just to do it!!"
From "Demo" Dick Marcinko's "10 Commandments Of SPECWAR"
And That Means Anything Required, to accomplish the mission!!
Nuke Bomb: Here is One of
the things SEALs must prevent from happening!
A Little But Important Disclaimer:
I Am NOT A SEAL!! SO...Why Do A UDT/SEAL Page?? I respect
ANY TEAM that gets the job DONE WELL, that takes DOWN the
"Tango" (Terrorist) Counter-Americans, and doesn't operate under
political red tape!! Here is My Dedication Statement for this section!!!:
This page and the linked subsections are Truly and Simply Dedicated
to those Special Elite Superdefenders Of Freedom Described Here!!
Their Web Pages tell their stories of true "Been There Done That"
This website is for HONORING them, And celebrates Their "Supremacy"
in matters of Clandestine Military Achievements under Pressure:-)
Please visit my WANNABE SEAL site to learn about what they are
and what sites
are posted on the web regarding their presence as imposters!
Want To Really Be a SEAL?
SEAL Recruiting Website (Official)
"Meet the SEAL Challenge"
UDT/ SEALs are called "Frogmen"; to see Real Frogs, Here's a"Frogs" link!
The Origin of TAPS Played by Bugle in honor of the
Fallen in the Military.
SEAL Personality
Profiles taken by NHRC
ADM Hyman G. Rickover was No SEAL, But His Work Ethic was
Super Professional!
Here are his "Basic Principles for Doing
Your Job". My Opinion of Military Attrition?
I think a lot of this work ethic Americans in Military Service is getting lost in
the shuffle
of getting tickets punched on short term assignments. If this trend continues in the
decade of the 2nd Millennium, SEALs and other critical mission capable organizations
especially in SPECOPS will go Kaput as more and more senior
people leave Military Service!